My heart is broken 💔 He was my best friend.. he taught me so much… We shared so much together.. We shared noodle bowls in New York, driving duties on our many road trips, and even my hair brush in the mornings (if you know, you know)..he pushed me to be more, bigger, better. He was fiercely protective of us.. He debated politics passionately with me, then he showed me how to play a guitar (we both gave up on that). He’d drive at 2am, after a hospital shift, just to watch reruns of John Oliver, Bill Maher & Vice News with me. He calmed me down, he traveled the world with me & he loved my son.. his music was the worst I’d ever heard, but now I can stop listening.. he showed me an extreme life.. one in which I ultimately chose to have no part of.. and one that took his life July 3rd. 💔 I always hated those mountains, I hated the risks he took.. he loved them so much. This hurt is hard 💔 Hurry Home Dmitri